bali, java and singapore

by Rachel Lynch

All the photos from my trip to Bali, Java and Singapore shot on 35mm film. We used two different film cameras- a contaxt t3 and a lecia mp. We used a variety of film stock including- cine still 800t, kodak 200, portra 400, provia 100f, ilford delta 400, cine still bwxx, and black and white berlin lomography film.

I hope you guys enjoyed all the visuals. I had a fun time slowly releasing this body of work. As an artist, I’m never truly satisfied, and feel like I could of done better. But I am proud of myself for waiting the entire trip to post a photo. Taking the film on six different flights between stops, and back home to new york to be processed kind of scared me, but I was glad that I kept my patience in a world that is so immediate. And I came to realize that if all of it got ruined, that was ok. I could be content with experience sans show off. I think there’s value in waiting and really working towards an end product. I knew that digital or phone photos were not going to convey the story of my trip in the way I wanted. I see the world in a very romantic light, most of the time, I am the lead character in my own movie. I think most people should live like that, with a little magic.

As a lot of you know, I haven’t posted a digital photo since march 2019. It’s been a journey, but mostly a love affair. I’ve fallen in love with telling my story via analogue. I’ve used film since I was sixteen, but always on the side, never the main conveyor of my story. I can hardly wait to start unfolding new visuals in 2020. I promise to bring the magic like never before.

all my love,
