keeper of the butterflies

by Rachel Lynch

“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”

I pushed away my fascination with the world prematurely, and now I'm back seeking it's depths and it's pleasures. 

I am looking for sex, and for beauty, once again. I shift between seeing beauty in everything and not having enough beauty to surround me completley. I still want to drown in the world, I am fascinated by its depths.

Butterflies have always been deeply beautiful to me, but also deeply spiritual. They have been connected to very important spiritual turning points in my life. Often, I have this dream where i'm laying on my stomach in the sun and all these butterflies land in my hair. I go to wake up, and they all fly away. In those mornings, I feel deeply connected to God. I know that consciousness extends beyond this lifetime, I just have a knowing. 

Ram Dass says, "a person acknowledging their lust is closer to God than a horny celibate." It is far more divine to be human that it is to deny one's humanity. Like the butterfly that brings beauty into the world and then fades, only that is real which never changes. 

So what is real then? 

Once you've awaked, you can't go back to sleep. 


rayna bra by agent provocateur 

rayna brief in black by agent provocateur


frank bod on tour

by Rachel Lynch

Here's a few snaps I took in London, where I brought along Frank Body's Coconut Coffee scrub for a vacation glow. 

Frank Body's scrub now comes in 4 new delicious new scents and water-proof packages. My boo and I usually fight over these  scrubs, and they go pretty fast at our NYC apartment. I also like brining them on trips, because I don't like using anything artificial on my skin. 

Get your new scrub here, they also make perfect holiday gifts! 

kisses my loves 



by Rachel Lynch

London was a high, a perpetual movement forward sans anxiety. 

Red lips everyday, I bought a navy lingerie set just hours before the flight. Nothing makes me feel good like a new garter. Mysterious eyes with baby blue nails and dirty hair, removed from the world but so emerged in it. I can play shy, and then materialize into the physical. It's all a game in my head, but it keeps you around. 

Nothing makes sense and everything is shifting. I fall in love with the taste of the people around me, and then become overwhelmed and seek to isolate and starve myself. I feel surrounded by people, but so lonely. There's something a little lonely about traveling anyway.  

A romance to the isolation, crowded streets of Shoreditch remind me of my years spent in Bushwick. And I long for that feeling of when everything was up in the air and nothing was certain. 

But the truth is, there's no certainty at all, and I'm just as much as a voyageur then as I am now. Perhaps even more so. 


poppy navy blue plunge bra by Agent Provocateur

poppy navy blue suspender by Agent Provocateur

poppy navy thong by Agent Provocateur


accused of witchcraft

by Rachel Lynch

Accused of witchcraft, the dark side of female presence. Possessed by a lust larger than herself, she is a healer and an enchanter. 

In the earliest civilizations, witches were the women who served the goddesses. In the Middle East, witches were the women who practiced the holiest of ceremonies. 

They were healers, carriers of mother earth's magic, delivering babies and curing infertility. 

But soon the world came to recognize male Gods, which replaced female deities. Holy woman, witches, were deemed demonic. 

It feels relative today, our society still doesn't believe women. She must be a temptress, she must of seduced him, it must be all her fault. 

Society will continue to keep us down, simply because they are afraid of us. Much like they were afraid of the witches. 



un jour

by Rachel Lynch

Everyday is a dance between taming the mind, and filling it with everything. The poems of Emily Dickinson, the life work of Nelson Mandela, the music of Kurt Vile and the guitar riffs of Damien Jurado. 

I switch between feeling old, and incredibly young. Like I have all the time in front of me, and then I open my eyes to see how incredibly fast it is passing by. 

You never realize how far you're going to avoid what you fear. I've spent numbered days this year running away, not truly in touch with what I want to do with my time here. It is both a privilege and a curse. To have all the time on your hands to create anything you can dream of, but knowing that idle hands are the devil's playthings. 

I switch between conscious days, and days inside the devil's grasp. I suppose both are necessary for existence. Human existence is polarity, male and female. We were born separate, disconnected, and every second is a scramble to feel that whole again. 


photos by Sam Livm

metal guru

by Rachel Lynch

Tease and hustle. There is nothing like the thrill that comes from living in New York. It's our collective vibe, the mutual understanding of what it takes to be a New Yorker. It's not easy here, but we don't want anything else. 

I slept on an air mattress in a closet-sized room for my first apartment. I came here with two suitcases and $800 dollars in my bank account. I've never thought of myself as brave, but I guess that day I was. 

Still fighting the fringes of a mental illness when I first arrived only added to the level of difficulty. But with a couple new friends, and big love, I was able to heal. Anorexia wanted to isolate me and kill me, New York wanted to love me. 

So I love her back every day, as I walk the streets and ride the subways. She gave me health, my first sense of self, but she also keeps me wild. 

x x 




"a friend is only a lover you're not committed to"

by Rachel Lynch

"It was really sad Bobby Neuwirth's and my affair. The only true, passionate, and lasting love scene, and I practically ended up in the psychopathic ward. I had really learned about sex from him, making love, loving, giving. It just completely blew my mind it drove me insane. I was like a sex slave to this man. I could make love for forty-eight hours, forty-eight hours, forty-eight hours, without getting tired. But the minute he left me alone, I felt so empty and lost that I would start popping pills." 

dreamland feather robe by Dolls Kill

lingerie set by Dolls Kill

october madonna

by Rachel Lynch

She was wearing a sundress, the kind that's not meant to be put on by oneself. You dress her. 

You both live in this for now, it works. It doesn't feel so heavy anymore. Time has lifted the weight of love, and you're free to move on, to find new adventures and new sound. 

But time can never erase the comfort you feel, the ease of being together. Time has no way of touching that. 

We fall back together just as easy as we fell apart. The days spent separate only create distance in the physical. 

Her skin is so much clearer now, her shoulders kissed by the summer past, the summer you didn't spend together. 

There is something so easy about it now. Time has healed, but it has not forgotten. 


vintage flower kimono by Binge on Vintage

poppy bra by Agent Provocateur

poppy thong by Agent Provocateur

poppy red suspender by Agent Provocateur