"everything trying"

by Rachel Lynch

The torture of small talk with someone you used to love. The end of a romance that came two years too late, the closure that took three days of intense lovemaking. 

They say the past only extends so far, but I bring you into the present with my dreams. Your lovers will always be alive inside of you, some stay with you for your entire life. 

My favorite was the beginning, where we'd sleep at your apartment and leave our phones at mine. But I knew you had something to hide, the day you started sleeping by your phone and flipping it over.

Someone infiltrated our shared bed from across the country, I let it happen. 

I make art, I move on. I learn new skills, and I still don't care about money. But I can't say that you're not in all of my work, inspiring every brushstroke and word with your mere memory. 



Beijing, China

by Rachel Lynch

If you've been following my instagram, you know I spent the last week and a half in Beijing. It was my second time in China, and I think I loved it more than the first. There's something so cool that happens to the mind when we come into a new space. I've been learning a lot about synaptogenesis, which is the creation of new neuronal connections in the brain. Two things that facilitate this the most are travel and exercise. These new connections give us the ability to perceive things from a different perspective, and contemplate new ideas. 

On top of visiting the Temple of Heaven, and other historic Chinese landmarks, I finished a book, shot for brands I'm currently working with and ran 25 miles. I tried new foods, and challenged the way I think and perceive people. 

Something that made this trip extra special was that I've been sober for 12 days. Alcohol is not a huge demon in my life, but I have been wanting to cut it out for a while, just to see what its like. What I discovered was an amazing ability to be present & a dramatic shift towards self-love (which occurred very naturally.) During dinner with friends, I never think twice about having a drink. Being somewhere foreign, where my native tongue is not spoken, presented some unease. But I challenged myself to stay present and try to really be in the moment. It's hard to explain the kind of happiness that gives you and the authenticity you feel in your heart.

On the fourth day, I did a special meditation for personal development and swam in the morning sunlight. I never slept so soundly as I did these past two weeks, (adequate hydration definitely helps with jet lag.) I want to develop more of a personal meditation practice. I feel like it's such a beautiful way to connect with source (self.) 

I am beyond grateful for these past two weeks. China's vast history and contrasting lifestyle gave me a gift I could never have received in the states. My love for the country and all it's generous people there becomes amplified with each journey. 


not your baby jumpsuit by free people

striped pajama pants by Anine Bing

metallica tee by Madeworn

take it higher white bellbottom by Lovers + Friends x REVOLVE


my mirror speaks

by Rachel Lynch

Fresh tomatoes and the changing of seasons, i feel the fall coming despite the heat. Striving to be authentic, I sit in meditation. I've been sober with my thoughts for nearly two weeks now, and I feel more present than ever. There's nothing I can escape, therefore there is nothing to escape. My mind doesn't get to play tricks anymore, and it slips into a divine self-love. 

This self-love feels so authentic, and I feel grateful for the most simple of things. Perhaps, they are not so simple after all. I'm seeing the sun in a new light, the passing of each day, and the little movements that get us from place to place as so dramatically singular. 

I don't want to remove myself from myself anymore, and I see everything as it is. Nothing is overwhelming, and everything is an opportunity for growth. Book after book, I become new with my collection of knowledge, and there is always more to learn. 

x x 


the divine feminine

by Rachel Lynch


All beings have aspects of divine feminine and divine masculine within them. I do not know if I chose to incarnate into this world as a female, but I do know that I seek to be more aligned with the divine feminine within me. 

The third dimensions is a dimension based on the idea of contrast. From this we get duality, i.e. - male and female.  

The female energy is all about creation, the most basic of all being the creation of life. It was not until recently, that I wanted to come into these things, and heal my feminine energy. 

We should ask ourselves, is there any part of the traditional female gender role that we actually enjoy? I don't wear makeup often, but I enjoy using it when I want to enhance my femininity and express it. If these traditional female expressions come from pure enjoyment and empowerment, then we should embrace them. If not, forget them. Deicide what serves your personal happiness, and what does not. 

Creating will bring you into contact with the divine feminine, so make art! Lots of art! Whatever speaks to you. I play music, write, paint, and make photographs where I express my sexuality and style.  

Through therapy, I've explored and healed my feelings around feminine identity and my own mother. I haven't yet healed my resistance around motherhood (healing resistance does not mean you become a mother) but it just means you release those judgments around something that helps other women expresses their divine feminine. 

You'll find the things that help the divine feminine express itself perfectly through you. I am in alignment with my sensuality. That is an aspect of my life which I have healed, and am totally comfortable with. It may be why so many of you feel the intense sexual energy behind my photos.

Let me know your thoughts and feelings on this topic. There are so many things in the spiritual and physical world that interest me, let me know where you are, and your expressions of divine feminine. I am always here. 




spice girl

by Rachel Lynch

I danced in light at the end of his prism. I stopped trying to make sense of it all, slipped out of routine and into books. The books gave way to new experiences, but first they gave way to a change of mind. I am a selection on the spectrum, an artist at best. 

I thought I found a new lover in you. Regret is a prototype, and you're my latest example. 

I can't sleep because I've broke my own heart again, and I know it. You can't hide in distractions from self at night. 

All kinds of reckless, I'll still be around. 


80s punk jacket by Binge on Vintage

70s floral cocktail kimono by Binge on Vintage

julienne red lace suspender dress by Honey Birdette

americana set by Solstice Intimates

japan bomber by Réalisation Par

the stevie in sunflower by Réalisation Par

photos by Jen Senn

france and italy

by Rachel Lynch

I sat quietly while you spoke. I think I have a certain pride in my ability to listen, my ability to hold my tongue. 

The world is never going to give you your dreams in the way in which you dreamt them. Desires of the heart are content, not form. Love will never arrive in the way in which you expect it. Being open to the adventure is an art. Even if I could write the perfect story for my life, the universe will always have a better plan. 

It is said that we are, "subject to the laws that govern the universe in which we believe in," and I've always believe in the world of my dreams. But I don't always get my dreams, and it is then that I realize I am an expression in a much larger plan. 

I never thought I would be someone who traveled the world. I never thought I'd see the south of France, or sleep amongst the vineyards in Italy, but the universe has a way of providing exactly what we need. It will always show up. 

These photos are highlights, but on a journey, there will always be high highs and low lows. I stayed up for hours in the middle of the night, jet-lag, drama at the airport, a restless mind, the list goes on. 

But in the end, the mind will romanticize, and we will be grateful for the experience. Always take the risk, I have never regretted a plane ticket. 


the valentina dress in cherry by Réalisation Par

red pumps by Jimmy Choo

pink ruffle lingerie set by Fleur du Mal

jasper ruffled tulle-trimmed bikini by Zimmerman

Alien Heel in Militare by Giuseppe Zanotti

Evie Mini Dress by For Love & Lemons

ziggy pin tuck mini dress by For Love & Lemons

faux leather belt by For Love & Lemons

botanic strapless dress by For Love & Lemons

all remaining lingerie from the new collection "Liaison Fatale" by Maison Close

you can't fit a big dream into a small life

by Rachel Lynch

It's between you and you, nobody else is going to live your dream for you. To wake up each morning with purpose, to know the direction in which you're going. 

But sometimes, I slip. I fall in love, I wait around. It's a temporary seduction, hoping now I've finally met someone strong enough to pull me out of my own dreams and into theirs. 

But no, it's all an illusion. I've never met a man stronger than the will I have to live my dreams. I've searched so hard - in musicians, painters, photographers and businessmen. Any excuse to fall into love and out of my wild pursuit. There's an art to life's distractions. But at best, its inspiration for more art, a temporary distraction from my work. At worst, it's heartache and emotional growth. I can give love, but I always come back to myself. My self tells me I'm not finished, not yet. Nothing is settled and there's so much to do. When your passion for your purpose is so big, it's hard to balance it alongside another big love. 

You see, my art is my first love, and when I look out the window, I dream of her. 


sparkle bra by Agent Provacator

sparkle brief by Agent Provacator

suspender in nude & silver by Agent Provacator


when i'm with you

by Rachel Lynch

I waited for you. I waited for you to bring me up, take me around, and motivate my heart. 

But I think I was waiting for me. Trying to find all the love in you that I didn't have for myself. 

You left me high and dry, and I've longed for the day that I could look you in your face and say, "you did this to me." 

But maybe that's why my success was stagnant for so long, not in a place where I was ready to admit my mistakes and let go. Depression grips you like a current, dead in your own skin, and no matter how spiritual and powerful you think you are, it will always strip you down. The demons you create yourself are always more dangerous. 

You can no longer put your limitations on me, your limitations are dead to me. The diseased thinking that spreads across our shared bed. 

Holding on to things I don't need to, so I threw a funeral for them. I forget those things which are behind, and I press. I don't have nothing against you, I don't hate you. 

But I love me. 


lorna blue and peach bra by Agent Provacator

lorna suspender in blue and peach by Agent Provacator

lorna thong in blue and peach by Agent Provacator

electric dreams shag jacket by Lovers + Drifters Club



one true love

by Rachel Lynch

I know you're eager to make things perfect, but don't you know that good things take time, and love is no different. 

Lovers are patient, they know the moon needs time to become full. I am with you, even when we are apart. 

Do not beg for what does not want to stay. If she's wild let her go. You have complete freedom to not be in my presence, will pave the way for you to want to be. The ego seeks intimacy through control. 

I wish for my lover to be my passport, to travel as far as I wish without leaving our shared bed. 


suspender lingerie set by Honey Birdette

the julia dress by Réalisation Par


la vie en arts

by Rachel Lynch

She broke her heart one too many times, endless boys and games. But she always put it back together with art. Creation - the mending glue that made everything make sense. 

She began expanding beyond photographs and words. She started writing songs and mixing paints. She didn't want to be the greatest at any of these, nevertheless, they gave her life meaning. 

Suspending her sorrows, so distant from the words she wants to write. It's easy to create a new life, one in which we don't have to feel. Even the vinyasa class moved too fast, she could never grasp the constant motion of it all. 

She stayed up all night, writing songs that the next day would be promptly ripped out of her notebook. She would take them back, but the feeling's dead. And the world rolls on, another day - space, distance and time. She prepares herself for Paris. 


disco jacket by Valfré

red lingerie set by Fleur du Mal

sparkle bra by Agent Provocateur

sparkle suspender by Agent Provocateur

sparkle brief by Agent Provocateur