"all of my life"

by Rachel Lynch

Queer queen committed beyond circumstance to a life of novels, lust and champagne. The incessant need for learning, always filling her head with books. Everything from John Milton, C.S. Lewis, to the Tao Te Ching and back again.

She remembered her life alongside the books she was reading at the time. Each personal memory taking place alongside a less personal novel. 

This is how she organized her life, her moments, her lovers. Nothing could stop her from pressing forward, and each word read remembered alongside a feeling, a place, or a taste. Avocados and the Bhagavad Gita, black coffee and Walden, almond crossiants and C.S. Lewis. Everything was romantic and nothing hurt. 


lingerie by Agent Provocateur

lynn long kimono by alice + olivia


it's affection, always

by Rachel Lynch

It's been wild, and it's been more than I've asked for. 

Everything fell apart the moment I knew I wanted you. My story didn't make sense anymore. All the lies I told myself to dilute the lightness of being failed to appease. 

I was in my body again, and it was as heavy as the ships at the bottom of the sea. 

I run from romance like this. Too broken to find meaning in a new encounter. 

But here we are, you are my muse and I am your lover. Two hearts merged into one dream. I wake with visions of you; they drive my art, passions, and hard work. Floating between our shared bed and the workings of the world. 

Sometimes our time spent together doesn't feel real, it's just fuel for the passion that real life requires. The dedication of day in and day out. The ability to follow through, sleeping with a sound mind and light heart. 

I am always in a state of longing, perhaps I believe it is better to romanticize than to let go completely. 



"nothing's gonna hurt you baby"

by Rachel Lynch

Nothing's gonna hurt you baby. All those late nights dreaming about everything and doing nothing.

New York's moving on you. Pulled into cityscapes and lost in the light reflecting off South Hudson. 

When you're all alone, you play guitar and get paint all over your fingernails. It's midnight and you're raw. Just you and all those things left hidden under the mask of strength you wear all day. 

Feelings pour from your fingers onto the strings and canvas. It's all so real and raw and beautiful. 

But you leave it in the heat of the night. New York requires a soul too strong to carry that around all the time. 


pretty attitude

by Rachel Lynch

Sharing with you guys some pieces from Pretty Attitude that I really adore! 

First off are these high-waisted leopard bottoms, I love mixing high waisted with cropped vintage tees! 

I'm also obsessed with this bitch teacup! I need 10 more, so f*cking necessary! 

And lastly, these superstar bellbottoms! I've worn these out dancing in the West Village last Sunday night, and got so many compliments! 

Hope you guys enjoy my selections, make sure to shop! 




by Rachel Lynch

you ain't got it all figured out.

and neither do i, and so we coincide. we get to write the rules to this thing, but we don't know that yet. 

feel your instincts, they're always right. all the answers are in books already written, but we want to write our own. 

and so are our mistakes are ours to make, the pleasure of having omission in your hands. 

naked as we came. 


the world you don't know

by Rachel Lynch

Translate potential into excellence, translate emotion into art. 

On the other side of every fear I have ever had, is a better me. If you've never experienced the other side of your fears, it is because every time you are scared, you stop. Every time you felt a little pain, you quit. 

 What happens when we push through our fears? 

The answers are all around you. Choose to see them.



"over all the others, you're the one all over me"

by Rachel Lynch

i did not know heartache until you left. sometimes i think life waited too long to break me. 
and i cannot look to you for answers, because i may never get them. looking to you will only break me over and over again, and i am tired of picking up the pieces. 
what if everything we wanted, wanted us at the exact same time. how silly that would be, how catastrophic. we would never grow. 
perhaps it was my turn to not get what i wanted. to feel the gut-wrenching pull of love-lossed. 
i can assign all sorts of meaning to our meeting, but none of them have any meaning to me. 
so i sit, broken. gutted by the sheer mention of your name. 
you are the ghost in my machine.


lorna bra in red and pink

lorna thong in red and pink

lorna suspender in red and pink


"i'm tripping off your love and all the other drugs we take"

by Rachel Lynch

there was something misleading about him. i think he wanted fame more than he wanted artistic expression, and i could taste it on his lips. i suppose he thought i was the same bird, but the desires of my heart did not recognize themselves in him. but i chose to delude myself, my intution is accustomed to my betrayal. 

i know i don't have to forgive you. to forgive means one has placed blame, and i never blamed you in the first place. i take responsibility for my own heartbreak. we all do the best with what we've been given. you belong to your words, and the creative process. you could never be mine. 


izzy bra in rainbow

izzy thong in rainbow

izzy suspender in rainbow


"you see in the world what you have in your heart"

by Rachel Lynch

please be tender. i loved him with a rush. his solicitous voice and stage presence. 
los angeles with vigor. our two months in the city of angels. nothing is the same and everything has changed. 
mornings in our shared bed. i’d wake from our slumber to spill my heart and fill the page. you were my muse, i’m scared i’ll never find another like you. new york city is dirty, filled with hustle and heart. you were the ease of an LA morning, spilling softness and tender where i needed it most. 
i’m restless now. fire escape cigarettes and climbing the clouds. were you sent to set my soul on fire? i’m all passion and tormented ease pouring onto everyone i meet. 
i’ll always be in lust without you. 


lindie bra in peach by Agent Provocateur

lindie thong in pink and peach by Agent Provocateur

lindie suspender in pink and peach by Agent Provocateur